Insomnomaniac is daring to envision what I can't bring myself to contemplate, and devising what sounds to me like a very viable contingency plan.
A quick excerpt:
We wake up on November 3rd (or sometime in January, who knows) and discover that John Flip-Flop Kerry has become our 44th President...
It's a horrible dream, the kind you wake up from screaming and in a cold sweat, but just like Freddy Kruger, Kerry could convince enough people to believe the nightmare is real and inevitable, and in so doing "kill" their desire to fight what he's describing as a losing battle for the "life" of the Bush administration.
And if that happens kids, what are we gonna do about it? Are we going to sit here for four years crying? Are we going to bitch and moan and dig up dirt on Kerry, or blame him for everything that goes wrong in the world including our own ingrown toenails? Or are we going to love our country enough to do the only thing we really can do to help her: give Mr. Kerry enough rope to hang himself, and thus hasten America's realization that we are in deep shit and sinking fast unless we wake up and recognize that we ARE at war and we can't win if we keep pretending otherwise.