It's a wonderful feeling, even if it's not reality yet, here in the HOTlanta area. But for the last week, thanks to Tropical Depression Lee, we've had wonderfully cool temps and beautiful days.
We've been having the kind of days that just BEG you to spend time in the yard, remembering the feel of the healthy Zoysia beneath your feet, the fragrance of the buddleia blossoms as you deadhead them, the buzz of the bees who resent your coming so near their feeding ground as they search for the best buddleia nectar.
And I've spend most of every day in the house glued to the computer. I think today I'll treat myself to yard time. I have some azaleas in containers that would love to be in the ground. I have some weeds that dearly need to be whacked (and some others that need to be sprayed, much as I hate using chemicals in the yard).
There's also woodchips begging to be spread, a new tree to be planned and prepped for...
And all of this is life-giving, for me. Refreshing & restorative, centering and grounding me, reminding me that life moves in cycles like the seasons, and that what looks dead is often just dormant, awaiting the proper concatenation of circumstances to spring back to life and amaze me with its beauty (and boy, do I hope that's true of my heat-stressed red buckeye).